My History:
I was raised in the southern US and the Middle East. I grew up in two worlds where guilt, shame, and repression were standard when it comes to human sexuality. Especially at the thought of women having pleasure or even thinking about pleasure or exploration. As a former born-again evangelical fundamentalist christian (I was a jerk), I tried to shut down abortion clinics and strip clubs because sex was a sin outside of marriage. In reality, I was trying to create a world where I personally wasn't tempted because I was having issues controlling my own desires and thoughts.
"If women wouldn't give it up, there would be no sin." (Pastor's Wife)
I was closed minded because a pastor said "If you open your mind, you'll let the devil in..." .
I share this history so you can understand what drives me to create experiences where women can explore their edges in a way that can be exhilarating, healing, and therapeutic. Pushing boundaries while also being restorative. I do all this in a shame-free environment. My clients always have radical acceptance from me regardless of where they want to go. I believe that human beings deserve amazing experiences and that is what I give.
Stuck energetically? I will loosen up the blockage.
Lived a life with guilt and shame around sexuality? I have a way out.
Want to feel empowered and confident? Leave more powerful than ever.
Tired of playing the "Alpha" all day at work? It's time to give up and let go.
Want an experience to encourage self-healing? It's time and it will come from within.
My life quotes:
"Once you stop growing, you start dying."
--Stella Adler
"The iliterate of the 21st century will not be those who can not read and write, but those who can not learn, unlearn, and relearn."
--Alvin Toffler
"I will never yuck in your yum!"